Japan, US Aim To Send First Japanese Astronaut To Moon By End Of Decade: Report

New Delhi: Japan and the United States announced Monday that they want to send the first…

Giant Stars Are Losing Weight Dramatically. New Study Explains Why They Slim Down

New Delhi: Can you imagine stars losing weight? Astronomers have just witnessed this surprising occurrence. For…

Ancient Namibian Gemstone Could Help Create Special Quantum Computers In Future, Study Finds

New Delhi: A special form of light made using an ancient Namibian gemstone could lead to…

How Climate Change Is Leading To Birds Laying Eggs Earlier Than Normal

New Delhi: Many species of birds are nesting and laying eggs nearly a month earlier than…

Shift To Farming From From Hunting 12,000 Years Ago Made Ancient Europeans Shorter: Study

New Delhi: An international team of researchers have found that the shift from primarily hunting, gathering,…

How NASA Is Using Moonlight To Improve Accuracy Of Satellites Observing Earth

New Delhi: Researchers are using reflected moonlight to improve the accuracy of measurements from satellites observing…

How Bacteria-Eating Viruses Can Save Millions Of Lives

New Delhi: The novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 has claimed millions of lives in over two years.…

MIT Study Finds How Breast Milk Cells Change Over Time In Nursing Mothers

New Delhi: In a first, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have performed a…

Brawn Before Brains: How Mammals Survived In Post-Dinosaur World

New Delhi: An international team of researchers have found that prehistoric mammals bulked up, rather than…

What Gives Parrots Exceptional Cognitive Abilities And Long Life Spans? Study Gives Answers

New Delhi: Parrots are known to have remarkable cognitive abilities and exceptionally long life spans. According…