Why is the Modi government failing to control India’s inflation? | Ghanti Bajao (6 April 2022)

Retail inflation likely exceeded the Reserve Bank of India’s upper end of the target range…

Who is Farah Khan, the woman who betrayed Imran Khan? | Master Stroke (6 April 2022)

Following the dissolution of the National Assembly in the wake of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s…

China’s hand behind the economic crisis in Sri Lanka? | India Chahta Hai (6 April 2022)

With inflation record high, food prices skyrocketing, and its coffers running dry, Sri Lanka’s economic…

Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: When will situation go back to normal? | India Chahta Hai

Sri Lanka is currently reeling under its worst economic crisis in the last few decades.…

Can the dire economic crisis in Sri Lanka be solved? | India Chahta Hai

Sri Lanka has been suffering amid an economic crisis where the fuel prices are sky-rocketing,…

Sri Lanka political crisis: The story so far | India Chahta Hai

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa lifted the state of emergency with immediate effect late on Tuesday.…