How Long-Term Pesticide Exposure Increases Parkinsons Risk: Study Claims

Although pesticide exposure is linked to Parkinson’s disease risk, the new study sought to explain why…

Speech To Swallowing Problems: Why Spotting Parkinsons Signs Early Is Important? Expert Shares Warning Signs Of Dysphagia

Recognizing the subtle signs of Parkinson’s or stroke early can be life-changing. Symptoms like tremors, stiffness,…

Constipation, IBS May Be Early Warning Signs Of Parkinsons Disease: Study

Certain gut problems, such as constipation, difficulty swallowing, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), may be early…

Intense Exercise Might Keep Parkinson’s Disease At Bay: Study

The discovery may pave the way for cutting-edge non-drug therapies, researchers hope

Hidden Dangers Of Parkinson’s Disease: How It Can Secretly Progress Unnoticed For Years

Has someone close to you just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease? Well, chances are the disease…

Australian Cricket Legend Allan Border Reveals He Has Parkinson’s Disease

Former Australian captain and widely regarded as one of the greatest Australians to have ever played…

Healthcare: Delhi Doctors Implant Pacemaker In The Brain To Control Parkinson’s Disease

Savitri Devi, 51, suffering from Parkinson’s disease for the last nine years, has been given a…

Regular Exercise May Lower Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease In Women: Study

Women engaging in regular exercise such as cycling, walking, gardening, cleaning and participating in sports may…

EXCLUSIVE: Handwriting Changes Reveals Vital Clues Indicating Parkinson’s- Spot 3 Telltale Signs

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder predominantly affecting the elderly population above the age of…

The Dangers Of Dry Cleaning: Chemicals Can Increase Risk Of Parkinson’s By 70%

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a liquid chemical that lingers in the air, water, and soil for decades.…