Qatar Donates $25 Million To Pakistan To Deal With Its Flood Crisis

Qatar on Monday announced providing $25 million to help Pakistan tide over the flood crisis, the…

‘Never seen climate carnage on such scale’: UN chief after visit to flood-hit Pakistan

Islamabad: After accessing the situation of flood-hit Pakistan, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday said…

Pakistan needs ‘massive financial support’ for rehabilitation and recovery from floods: UN General Secretary

Islamabad: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday said that Pakistan needed “massive” financial support for…

Pakistan: Economic loss due to floods rises to around USD 18 billion

Islamabad: The estimated economic loss due to the unprecedented floods in Pakistan has neared around USD…

Nearly 1,300 people die due to devastating floods in Pakistan

Islamabad: Pakistan`s catastrophic floods resulted in the death of nearly 1,300 people in the country even…

Pakistan Floods: ‘Unresponsive’ government disappoints citizens

I bark: As Pakistan faces flood havoc, the people of Kohistan district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa…