Gain Healthy Weight With Strength Training: 6 Proven Strategies For Building Muscle Mass

Strength training is a crucial component of a successful weight gain journey, focusing on building muscle…

Muscle Mass Matters As You Age – Here Is Why

We’ve all dealt with a jar lid that just won’t budge. Maybe we tried hammering it…

Does Drinking Alcohol Lead To Loss Of Muscle Mass? Here’s What Experts Say

Heavy drinking has long been associated with various health problems, including cirrhosis of the liver, cancer,…

One More Reason To Cut Down On Drinking: Excessive Booze Leads To Muscle Loss, Says Study

A team of researchers said that heavy drinkers could be putting themselves at risk of muscle…

Health Tips: EXERCISE regularly to slow down muscle loss after you hit 30

London: While it’s almost unnoticeable to begin with, nearly every cell, organ and biological process get…

Know how poor muscle health impacts your immunity

New Delhi: Building and maintaining a robust immune system is important for leading healthy, wholesome lives,…