WHO’s update on Monkeypox outbreak: Cases drop 21%, reversing month-long rise

Geneva: The number of monkeypox cases reported globally dropped by 21% in the last week, reversing…

Suspected monkeypox patient in Delhi tests negative, discharged from hospital

New Delhi: A suspected monkeypox patient, admitted at the LNJP Hospital here, was discharged after testing…

Monkeypox outbreak: 5-10 million doses needed to fight virus, says WHO

New Delhi: The World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday (July 27, 2022)…

Monkeypox outbreak can be stopped, if…: WHO makes BIG claim as cases rise

New Delhi: Amid the rising number of cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom…

18,000 monkeypox cases globally; at-risk men asked to reduce sexual partners

Monkeypox virus outbreak: The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday (July 27, 2022) said that there…

Monkeypox alert! Now, suspected case found in UP’s Noida, details here

New Delhi: A suspected monkeypox case has come to the fore in Uttar Pradesh’s Noida, health…

Can monkeypox outbreak be stopped? Here’s what WHO thinks

GENEVA: The rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak can be stopped, an official from the World Health Organization…

Monkeypox declared a global health emergency by WHO amid outbreak in 75 countries

The World Health Organisation declared Monkeypox as a public health emergency on Saturday, July 23. Monkeypox…

Is Monkeypox a global emergency? WHO’s BIG decision, read here

New Delhi:  The World Health Organization has decided the recent outbreak of the monkeypox virus is…