UK PM Liz Truss U-turns on tax cut for wealthiest to avert rebellion within own party

Image Source : AP Truss, who replaced Boris Johnson as prime minister after a hard-fought leadership…

UK PM Liz Truss appoints diverse cabinet, Rishi Sunak misses the post

Prime Minister Liz Truss held her first Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street in London on…

Why Liz Truss is off to Scotland to become UK leader | EXPLAINER

Image Source : AP FILE – British Prime Minister Liz Truss in London Highlights The swearing…

Who Is Liz Truss? Ex-UK Foreign Secy Who Defeated Rishi Sunak To Become New British PM

Liz Truss was named Britain’s next Prime Minister and leader of the governing Conservative Party on…

Who Is Liz Truss? UK Foreign Secy Who Defeated Rishi Sunak To Become New British PM

Liz Truss was named Britain’s next Prime Minister and leader of the governing Conservative Party on…