Fintech Start-Ups See Fewer Incorporation In 2023, Survey By Growthpal Reveals

Fewer fintech start-ups got incorporated in India in 2023, a survey revealed. The survey by Growthpal,…

Indian Startups Raised $732 Mn Across 107 Deals In January 2024 Amid Layoffs

New Delhi: In January 2024, Indian startups faced challenges such as layoffs, shutdowns, and top-level exits,…

Funding Winter For Indian Start-Ups Likely To End By March: Experts

Investors attending the TiE Global Summit (TGS) exuded confidence that funding winter for Indian start-ups will…

STPI Invites Start-Ups To Apply For Funding Assistance Under LEAP Programme

The state-owned STPI is seeking applications from start-ups under its Leap programme to provide funding to…

Government Launches Grant Of Upto Rs 50 Lakh For Startups To Boost Technical Textiles Sector

The government on Tuesday said it will provide a grant-in-aid of up to Rs 50 lakh…

Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank Is Not Shareholder In Paytm: CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Paytm Vijay Shekhar Sharma on Saturday said that collapsed Silicon…

Funding Winter: IFSCA To Start Giving Grants To Indian Fintech Innovators From Early Next Year

The International Financial Service Centre Authority (IFSCA) will start giving fintech grants to Indian innovators from…

Karza Tech Co-founder Buys Rs 47 Crore Luxury Flat in Mumbai

The start-up ecosystem in India is booming. With big money reeling in, high-earning executives of start-ups…

Culture Of Venture Capital Funding For Start-Ups Developed In India: Rajnath Singh

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said that the culture of venture capital funding for start-ups…