Cold And Flu: Natural Remedies That Can Give You Quick And Lasting Relief

Cold and flu relief: Change in season affects many people’s health. Cold, cough, and flu are…

Summer Haircare: Can Onion Help Control Hair Fall? Here Are Facts

Hair loss solution: When it comes to avoiding hair loss and promoting hair growth, onion juice…

Want Healthy and Shiny Hair? Potato Juice is the Solution

Last Updated: January 17, 2023, 7:44 PM IST Nutrients present in potatoes help prevent hair fall…

6 Must-Have Kitchen Ingredients for Immunity Boost in Monsoon

Monsoons just don’t bring the rains, it brings along diseases like flu, influenza, dengue, cholera, typhoid,…

4 Quick Home Remedies To Keep Skin Hydrated During Monsoon Season

Signs of aging also appear sooner for most people who don’t take care of skin hydration.…

Try This Homemade Aloe-vera Oil to Keep Your Hair Healthy in This Heat

Take some fresh aloe vera leaves and cut them from the edge and remove the top…

Kalonji Oil: Best Home Remedy For Hair Fall During Monsoon

Kalonji has anti-inflammatory chemicals that can soothe scalp inflammation. Kalonji oil is easy to make and…

DIY Face Pack For a Glowing Skin During Summer

Summers come with a host of skin problems like tanning and dryness. The skin gets burnt…