BBC rereleases archived interview with Otto Frank on decision to publish Anne Frank’s diary

Otto Frank, the father of famed diary writer and Holocaust victim Anne Frank, visited the…

Postcards looted from Jews by German soldier returned by granddaughter 80 years later

When Karla McCabe was a child in East Germany in the 1970s and ‘80s, she…

National Library, Shoah Foundation preserve Holocaust, October 7 records

In order to to preserve personal accounts of the Holocaust and the October 7 massacre,…

‘We will defeat the Zionists’: Anti-Israel protesters harass IDF reservists at Montreal talk

A speaking tour of IDF reservists in Montreal faced hundreds of protesters on Monday who…

Brazil’s Lula says he did not compare Israel’s conduct to the Holocaust

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva claimed he did not use the word “holocaust”…

Holocaust memorial stones splattered with paint in Vienna

Holocaust memorial stumbling stones were splattered with yellow paint in Vienna, European Jewish organizations and…

‘Shema Yisrael’ symbolizes the unity of the Jewish people

One of my earliest memories is of reciting the Shema each Sunday morning in heder.…

Holocaust education in Israeli high schools may become non-mandatory 

Holocaust education in Israel’s high school curriculum may end up being non-mandatory following a statement…

Hamas’s October 7 massacre shows that Never Again was a lie – opinion

Following the Holocaust, Never Again was a cry heard around the world. At Treblinka, a…

2,000 children in Portugal visit Porto’s Holocaust museum

On Friday, around 2,000 middle and high school students from across Portugal visited the Holocaust…