Have A Weak Heart? Deadly Cold Wave Triggers Surge In Heart Attacks And Strokes, Say Experts

Cases of heart attacks and strokes reported at different medical institutes have almost doubled in the…

Kidney Health: 6 Easy Ways To Protect Your Kidneys From Stress

Life is moving fast, and we all deal with stress daily. Whether it’s work or personal…

Control High Blood Pressure In Winter, Tips To Monitor Your Heart Health In Cold Season

In the chilly grasp of winter, our hearts need a little extra TLC. Let’s be kind…

Hypertension Control: Does Anxiety Mean You Have High Blood Pressure? Tips To Maintain BP In Winter

Are you an anxious person? Do you lose your temper easily? If yes, you might have…

Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Common Health Issues And The Effect Of Bursting Crackers – Navigating Post-Diwali Pollution

As Diwali celebrations peak, card parties bring a spread of tempting sweets and snacks. The festive…

Planning A Pregnancy? Expert Shares 5 Things You Should Start Right Now!

Embarking on the journey to parenthood is a remarkable and life-changing experience. Whether you’re planning for…

Spicing Up Health: Nutritional Benefits Hidden In Your Spice Rack, Expert Shares Tips For Good Health

Indian food is famous for its elaborate spice blends, which give each dish a distinct flavor…

Exercise For Hypertension: 6 Workouts For Blood Pressure Management

Exercise is a powerful tool in managing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Regular physical…

Walking 3,000 Steps A Day Can Help Lower Blood Pressure In Senior Citizens: Study

A new study discovered that increasing exercise by 3,000 steps per day can significantly reduce high…

How To Avoid Heart Attack On Treadmill? Cardiologist Shares Safety Tips, Warning Signs To Look Out For

Earlier this month, a 19-year-old man collapsed while he was working out on a treadmill and…