एयर पॉल्यूशन के लिए माइनिंग माफिया भी जिम्मेदार: स्मॉग का ठीकरा पराली पर थोपने की रणनीति, अकेले महेंद्रगढ़ में 150 से ज्यादा जगह अवैध खनन

हरविंदर यादव, नांगल चौधरी9 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक दिल्ली के आसपास बढ़ते एयर पॉल्यूशन में महेंद्रगढ़…

Air pollution reduced in 7 districts of Haryana: Ambala-Yamunanagar’s AQI below 100 for the first time; Fatehabad-Hisar still in red zone

Hindi News Local Haryana Haryana Air Quality AQI News; Ambala, Yamunanagar’s AQI Below 100 For The…

Pollution reduced in Haryana’s air: Western winds gave relief; Restrictions removed from factories, now diesel vehicles will be able to go to Delhi

Chandigarh14 hours ago copy link The sub-committee of the NGT Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP-4) has…

Air pollution in Haryana at alarming level: Mining-construction, road construction banned, diesel vehicles below BS-6 closed; Only factories with electricity-PNG will run

Hindi News Local Haryana GRAP Implemented In Haryana; Ban On Mining, NH Construction, Ban On Diesel…

‘Stubble burning cases in Haryana not even 10% in comparison to Punjab’: Manohar Lal Khattar

Chandigarh: Haryana Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday claimed that the cases of stubble burning…