Israelis struggle with weight gain in the shadow of war

“I’ve given up on dieting,” a neighbor confided in me. With two sons and a…

Sharansky: Oslo sowed the seeds for the October 7 massacre

Natan Sharansky arrives at lunch precisely on time, his trademark olive-green cap perched firmly atop…

Hezbollah tells Iran it would fight alone in any war with Israel

With ally Hamas under attack in Gaza, the head of Iran’s Quds Force visited Beirut…

Diplomatic source to Post: Gaza maritime route was Netanyahu’s idea – exclusive

The plan for a maritime route to Gaza via Cyprus to provide humanitarian assistance for…

A de facto single mom holds down fort while husband serves in Gaza

Becoming a single parent overnight is something that many women had to face in the…

Defense independence impossible without the US – opinion

There should be a statue somewhere in Israel to honor the French war hero and…

Itzik Weksler: Fitness trainer shares tips for Jerusalem Winner Marathon

Itzik Weksler is an experienced fitness trainer, operating studios in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and…

US military to build emergency port on Gaza shore to offset hunger crisis

The United States military plans to build an emergency port off the Gaza coast to…

BBC set to co-produce and broadcast Nova Festival documentary

BBC will work with Israel-based entertainment studio SIPUR to broadcast a documentary titled “We Will…

How to explain Israel’s narrative in the Gaza war to Arab media

“I’m not sure that this would be ideal to present on Arabic social media,” says…