Neurotransmitters Produced By Gut Bacteria Influence The Development Of The Newborn Immune System: Study

The preclinical study, published in Science Immunology on March 15, showed that bacteria abundant in the…

Investigating the Link Between Gut Bacteria and Heart Attack, Study Reveals

Researchers have discovered a link between the levels of certain bacteria living in the gut and…

Healthy gut increases the success of cancer treatment, says study

One of the largest studies has confirmed that there is a link between the gut microbiome…

Study: Dietary fibre promote allergy-related type of inflammation in lung, gut

New Delhi: According to researchers, a type of dietary fibre called inulin, which is used in…

Gut bacteria may contribute to HIV infection susceptibility: Study

New Delhi: Certain gut bacteria, including one required for a healthy gut microbiome, differ between people…