Why Has Pakistan Been Removed From the Infamous ‘Grey List’ of the FATF?

The win for Pakistan comes amid the improvement in ties with the United States (US)especially after…

Pak off FATF Grey List; ‘Black Spot’ on Fight Against Terror Irks India; J&K Guv Says ‘World is Watching’

In what can be termed as “travesty of the fight against terror”, Pakistan is free of…

Pakistan’s FATF ‘Grey’s Period’ to End? Says It Prevented Terror Financing; India Slams ‘White Lie’ | Exclusive

Pakistan is on the verge of freeing itself from the shackles of the world anti-money-laundering body,…

Pak Writes Letter to Afghanistan Seeking Masood Azhar’s Arrest, Indian Officials Call It ‘Hogwash’

In a move that is being called “hogwash” by India, Pakistan has written a letter to…

FATF Team Completes Pakistan Visit Ahead Of Paris Meet That Will Decide On Grey List

A high-level team of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global money laundering and terrorist…

FATF team in Pak to assess the country’s efforts to exit watchdog’s grey lis

Islamabad: The Global money laundering and terrorism watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) team has arrived…

Pak May Come off FATF Grey List Soon But Only after On-site Verification; India’s Kashmir Concerns Rise

Pakistan may be off the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list soon. The intergovernmental agency…

FATF retains Pakistan on its ‘grey’ list; to conduct on-site visit

Global financial watchdog the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Friday retained Pakistan on its ‘grey…