Nutrition And Eye Health: How Diet Can Impact Your Vision

Nutrition is crucial in maintaining optimal eye health and preserving vision throughout life. Just as a…

Eye Health For Busy Moms: Incorporating Quick And Effective Habits Into Daily- Routine

For busy moms, maintaining eye health amidst a hectic schedule can seem challenging, but incorporating quick…

Impact Of Digital Devices On Eye Health: Managing And Preventing Digital Eye Strains

The proliferation of digital devices has revolutionized how we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. However, this…

Healthy Eyes: 5 Ways Parents Can Encourage Outdoor Play In Children To Prevent Myopia

Promoting outdoor play in children is not only essential for physical fitness and overall well-being but…

Have high blood sugar? 7 tips to take care of eyes with people with diabetes

By Dr Saurabh Choudhary Diabetes can have a severe impact on your eyes, resulting in vision…