Revenge for teacher’s murder in 16 days: 2 terrorists killed in encounter, one shot Kashmiri Hindu teacher after entering school

Hindi News National Kashmiri Pandit Teacher Rajni Bala Murder; 2 Terrorists Killed In Encounter In Kulgam…

Kashmiri Pandits prepare for migration: After the death of the teacher, asked for a strong promise of security, if the government is not active, then flee from tomorrow

Hindi News National Kashmiri Pandit Teacher Rajni Bala Murder; Protest Over Teacher’s Murder In Kulgam Kulgam10…

Another Kashmiri Hindu killed: Terrorists entered the school in Kulgam and gunned down a female teacher, second incident in 20 days

Hindi News National Kashmiri Pandit Murder Case; Female Teacher Killed By Terrorists In Kulgam 3 minutes…