Air Pollution In Delhi: 7 Essential Measures To Care For Elderly Parents At Home

Air pollution, a pervasive threat in our environment, endangers individuals of all ages, but it particularly…

Yoga For Seniors: Age Gracefully With 5 Daily Asanas For Strength, Flexibility And Balance

Ageing is an inevitable part of life, and while it comes with its share of wisdom…

What Is ‘Duck Walk’ In Old Age? Expert Shares Tips On Maintaining Normal Mobility

As individuals age, a condition known as ‘Duck-Walk’ or waddling gait can occur due to knee…

Playing Chess And Crosswords Could Prevent Early Onset Of Dementia In The Elderly

Using computers, playing crosswords and games like chess can prevent older people from developing dementia more…

H3N2 Influenza Flu: Children And Elderly At Higher Risk, Do’s And Don’ts To Prevent Symptoms Of Cough And Sore Throat

H3N2 Influenza flu symptoms: According to central government authorities, the H3N2 subtype of the influenza A…

Want to take good care of your aging parents? Hear them out!

Ageing parents: Old age is a vulnerable stage in life even though it is known that…