Can Lifestyle Changes Reduce Cancer Risk? Expert Shares 11 Steps That You Must Adopt Now

It’s often assumed that cancer results either from bad genes or bad luck but in truth…

Impact Of Sugar On Liver Health: Shocking Link Between Sugary Drinks And Liver Cancer- Expert Shares

Sugary drinks, those sweet, bubbly, and often addictive beverages, have become a mainstay in the diets…

EXCLUSIVE: Are Males Prone To Same Types Of Cancers As Females? Symptoms, Causes And Risk Factors Of Breast Cancer In Men

Cancer is a disease that knows no boundaries- gender, creed, caste, ethnicity. While it predominantly affects…

Lifestyle Choices Impact Breast Cancer Risk, Experts Explains How

According to the World Health Organization, in 2020 more than 20 lakh females were diagnosed with…

Why Hairdressers, Beauticians, Accountants Are At High Risk Of Ovarian Cancer? Study Reveals

The study, published online in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, was conducted on 1,388 women…

Exploring The Link Between Obesity And Colon Cancer

Obesity is known to raise the risk of colorectal cancer. Research from the German Cancer Research…

AI Spotting Pancreatic Cancer Risk 3 Years Before Diagnosis Is A Revolutionary Medical Tool, Says Study

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in the world, and its toll is projected…

Ultra-Processed Foods Linked To Increased Cancer Risk: Study

Higher consumption of ultra-processed foods may be associated with an increased risk of developing and dying…