World Asthma Day 2024: How To Manage Asthma In Changing Weather And Pollution? Know Its Trigger and Treatment

The number of reported asthma cases has doubled in the past decade. The main culprits are…

Dussehra 2023: 9 Tips For Patients With Breathing Problems

Dussehra, a festival that signifies the victory of good over evil, is celebrated with great enthusiasm…

EXCLUSIVE- Travelling To The Mountains? Expert Explains How Sudden Cardiac Arrest Can Be Triggered At High Altitudes

According to a recent research from the American Heart Association that offers guidance against engaging in…

Microplastics Getting Deposited In Human Respiratory Tract Can Pose Serious Health Risk: Study

Microplastics, containing toxic pollutants and chemicals, are increasingly getting deposited in our human respiratory tract, and…

Breathing problems in winter: 5 Tips to help you breathe easier during the changing weather

Breathing issues during winter: Stepping outside and feeling a blast of chilly air in your face…

SEVERE air pollution: Air quality dips in Delhi-NCR – check survival tips for asthma patients

Air pollution: Thick smog enveloped Delhi-NCR on Thursday as the air quality dipped to a severe…

5 At-home natural remedies for Asthma

Asthma home remedies: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disorder that affects the ability to breathe.…

Try THESE tips to get back on your fitness after the festive season

New Delhi: The festive season is a great time to relax and enjoy time with family,…

Severe health consequences of air pollution in Delhi

Delhi AQI Health effects: As per the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the overall air quality in…