Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath Suffered Mild Stroke: Can Stress Impact Your Brain Health And Mimic Stroke-Like Symptoms, Check 6 Warning Signs

Nithin Kamath, the CEO of Zerodha, experienced a mild stroke approximately six weeks ago. In a…

Brain Stroke: Symptoms, Prevention And Why You Should Rush To Hospital Immediately

A stroke or brain attack is a condition in which the brain cells suddenly die leading…

Have A Weak Heart? Deadly Cold Wave Triggers Surge In Heart Attacks And Strokes, Say Experts

Cases of heart attacks and strokes reported at different medical institutes have almost doubled in the…

World Stroke Day: 5-5-5 Proven Steps For Early Stroke Prevention- Lifestyle Changes, Foods, Exercises

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and mortality worldwide, and adopting a healthy lifestyle is…

World Stroke Day 2023: Hypertension To Diabetes – Expert Explains Risks, Signs And Symptoms

Each year, on October 29, World Stroke Day serves as a reminder of the staggering impact…

World Stroke Day 2023: Why Stroke In Young Adults Is On The Rise? Risk Factors, Warning Signs And Preventive Measures

World Stroke Day, observed on October 29th each year, serves as a global reminder of the…

How Does Hot Weather Affect The Heart And Brain? Check Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

With the mercury soaring day by day in summer, our bodies tend to overheat, leading to…

High blood pressure in winter can lead to brain stroke: Neurologist

Amid reports of rising cases of brain stroke and brain haemorrhage in the ongoing bitter cold…

Signs That You May Have Blood Clot In Your Arteries

Last Updated: December 09, 2022, 08:03 AM IST High blood cholesterol can also increase the formation…

Hailey Bieber Suffered Blood Clot in Brain, Here’s All you Need to Know About the Condition

Recently, American supermodel Hailey Bieber was rushed to the hospital after a medical emergency impacted her…