Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath Suffered Mild Stroke: Can Stress Impact Your Brain Health And Mimic Stroke-Like Symptoms, Check 6 Warning Signs

Nithin Kamath, the CEO of Zerodha, experienced a mild stroke approximately six weeks ago. In a…

Traffic Pollution Linked To Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque Formation, Study Reveals

People with higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution are more likely to have high amounts of…

Study Reveals How Sleeping Habits Impact Brain Health, Raise Stroke Risk

Getting either too much or too little sleep is associated with changes in the brain that…

Have A Throbbing Headache? Know Importance Of Sleep Hygiene In Managing Crippling Migraine

Migraine, a prevalent form of primary headache, is distinguished by pulsating pain on one side of…

Seizures Could Be A Potential Reason Behind Sudden Deaths In Infants: Study

Brief seizures, accompanied by muscle convulsions, could be a potential reason behind unexpected deaths in young…

World Stroke Day 2023: Why Stroke In Young Adults Is On The Rise? Risk Factors, Warning Signs And Preventive Measures

World Stroke Day, observed on October 29th each year, serves as a global reminder of the…

Sleep Deprivation: 10 Shocking Ways Lack Of Sleep Can Effect Your Body

Lack of adequate sleep can have profound impacts on our overall well-being, affecting physical, mental, and…

Memory Boosting Tips: 7 Practical Strategies For Alzheimers Patients And Caregivers To Adhere

Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent form of dementia, progressively deteriorating brain cells and causing memory…

Preserving Brain Health: Expert Tips To Prevent Cognitive Decline With Ageing

In an age where dementia and Alzheimer’s disease pose an escalating global threat, safeguarding brain health…

Unlock Your Brains Potential: 7 Yoga Asanas to Enhance Memory

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal cognitive function and memory retention is crucial. While there are…