Prophet Row: Next hearing on 10 August, SC holds Nupur Sharma’s arrest |Master Stroke (19 July 2022)

In a relief for Nupur Sharma, the Supreme Court on Tuesday directed that no coercive action…

Prophet Row: Is the controversy being fueled with the support of Pakistan? | India Chahta Hai

A 24-year-old Pakistani national with a plan to kill suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson…

Prophet Row: SC to hear Nupur Sharma’s plea tomorrow | India Chahta Hai (18 July 2022)

Suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma on Monday approached Supreme Court seeking a stay on arrests in…

Surat bizman gets death threats for uploading Nupur Sharma’s pic; 3 arrested

Surat: Three persons were arrested in Gujarat’s Surat city on Friday for allegedly threatening a businessman…