Song Sung Blue: The End As A New Beginning | Outlook India Magazine

This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang but a whimper, poet T.S. Eliot…

Brave New World Under The Shadow Of The Pandemic | Outlook India Magazine

By the time the apocalypse began, the world had alreadyended. It ended every day for a…

Love, Loss, Longing: A TV Show Which Throws New Light On The Pandemic | Outlook India Magazine

Station Eleven might be the only pandemic-related TV show which portrays loss with such sincerity—a narrative…

A Tale Of Two Pandemics | Outlook India Magazine

In 2020 and 2021, humanity collectively lived through the worst pandemic in a century. Most of…

Pandemic Pangs: When The World Looked Inward For Succour | Outlook India Magazine

Right before the first lockdown, love ent­ered my life and home. Unaware of the havoc the…

Covid Nightmare: Time Of The Living Dead | Outlook India Magazine

It’s one of many mutation-vaccine memes that has been doing the rounds lately. “Waiting in line…

The Good Earth: Resilient And Resourceful | Outlook India Magazine

Our planet remains inexhaustible, as inexhaustible as our capacity for instruction and exp­loration. .