Amreen Bhat’s brother speaks about the horrific incident, says ‘We are still in Shock’

Terrorists have once again targeted civilians in Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorists shot dead TV artist…

Amreen Bhat Murder Case: Family and friends in state of shock, DEMANDS justice for Amreen

Amid the violent protest that erupted in parts of Srinagar after Yasin Malik was awarded life…

Yasin Malik Life Imprisonment: Why didn’t court consider the case ‘rarest of rare’?

Sepratist leader Yasin Malik has been given life-imprisonment in two different cases of terror funding. The…

Terror Funding Case: Court announces historical verdict in Yasin Malik’s case | Bharat Ki Baat

In a case involving terrorism and secessionist operations in the Kashmir Valley in 2016-17, Yasin…

Terror Funding Case: What will be the court’s decision on Yasin Malik? | Hoonkar

In a case involving terrorism and secessionist actions in the Kashmir Valley in 2016-17, a…

Terror Funding Case: ‘His life is in danger’, says Yasin Malik’s wife | ABP News

In a case involving terrorism and secessionist operations in the Kashmir Valley in 2016-17, Yasin…

What will happen in Yasin Malik case? All eyes on court | ABP News

In a case involving terrorism and secessionist actions in the Kashmir Valley in 2016-17, a…

Yasin Malik And The Terror Cases Against Him — A Timeline

New Delhi: Kashmiri separatist Yasin Malik was convicted by a Delhi court in a terror funding…