Survived ‘murdered’ person! Strict instructions to the police to release the accused

One man was allegedly murdered six years ago. That is the case. Two people were also arrested for this. Meanwhile, during the trial, the Gujarat court found out that the man was alive. After that, the two arrested have been released from all charges. Additional Sessions Judge Sarang Bass issued an order on March 30 stating that the investigating officer of the case and the then inspector of Navsari police station should pay Rs 50,000 as compensation to the two accused. The court observed that the boy was played in the investigation.

Meanwhile, the family claims that a person named Nagulal Gayari was killed on July 6, 2016. Meanwhile, it is now known that the body that was recovered at that time did not belong to that person. Earlier, police arrested two persons named Madan Piplari and Suresh Batela. They also had to spend three months in jail before being released on bail.

Meanwhile, the family members buried another body called Nagulal’s body. However, after realizing the mistake within a few hours, they also informed the police. But the police did not pay attention to that. On the contrary, he gave a chargesheet against the two. But the accused’s lawyer told the court that the man who was claimed to be dead was alive. His family said so. It then became clear that the police had submitted a false chargesheet.