Surat Records 97 New Covid-19 Cases, Three Omicron Infections | Surat News – Times of India

SURAT: Three persons with no travel history have tested positive for the Omicron in Surat on Friday, even as Diamond city recorded 97 fresh cases of the Covid-19.
District letter registered 19 more cases of the deadly virus responsible for the global pandemic.
The Omicron infected persons included a 52-year-old textile businessman from Bhatar area.
He had complained of cold and cough and had tested positive for Covid-19 on December 18. He was in home isolation and his health is normal now. On Friday his genome sequencing report confirmed Omicron infection.
Three out of 23 who came in his contact with the textile businessman also tested positive for Covid-19 and are under home isolation.
A 66-year-old woman from Ghod Dod Road was another Omicron infected with no travel history. She tested Covid positive on December 17 after complaints of cold and cough. The fully vaccinated woman was stable, said health officials.
Out of the 24 people who came in contact with the patient, none was found positive.
The third Omicron patient is a 46-year-old builder from City Light area also with no travel history. He tested Covid positive on December 19 after he complained of fever. He is fully vaccinated. All 21 of his contacts were found to be negative for coronavirus.
Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) health officials said that 12 school and college students tested positive for Covdi-19 on Friday. Of the total cases reported in the city, five persons had international travel history.
Four persons of a family tested positive in Vaniraj Residency of Sarthana after which the society has been declared a cluster area. In Rander’s Nilkanth Residency, three persons from a family were found infected after which the society was declared a cluster zone.
