Super Moon: See the biggest super moon today, the view of space will be beautiful, know everything

Today July 13 is a very special day for people interested in astrology as well as astronomy. One is, today Guru Purnima of Ashadh Paksha is falling in a very auspicious yoga and the second special thing is that today the biggest super moon of this year will also be seen and this sight will be amazing in itself. According to Indian time, it will be seen on July 13 at 12:8 pm. It will be visible for three consecutive days. Usually the super moon and full moon do not come together very quickly and such a coincidence occurs after years. The next largest supermoon will be visible on July 3, 2023.

Today the moon will be closest to the earth, due to which the size of the moon will appear much larger and brighter than the normal size. It is also called the July Super Moon or Buck Moon. In the language of science, today on July 13, the distance between the Earth and the Moon will be the shortest, due to which the size of the moon will appear larger and hence the name of this supermoon has also been given by scientists. The reason behind the naming of this is also that in the days around the month of July, new horns of the male deer grow and with the passage of the year their horns become even bigger and more beautiful.

Today’s Super Moon can be seen for three days, not just one day. Tomorrow the moon will appear bigger than every day, and it will also look brighter and pinker. Some people also call it the July Super Moon. Gurmeet Bedi, a Jyotish research scholar and author of Astrology, a science research book, said that from the astrological and religious point of view, the position of planets is also very interesting today on the occasion of Guru Purnima and Supermoon.

Shani Dev has returned from Aquarius to Capricorn, due to which Gemini and Libra have once again come under the grip of Shani’s dhaiya, while Saturn’s half-century has started once again on Sagittarius. Similarly, the three main planets of the solar system Venus, Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Gemini. Moon is transiting in Sagittarius and then will enter Capricorn. Mars and Rahu are in Aries and Jupiter is in Pisces.

Today, along with being a supermoon, there is also Guru Purnima and the worship of the moon on the full moon has been given special importance in our scriptures. It is mentioned in our scriptures that on full moon the moon is visible with full phases and on this day the rays emanating from the moon are like nectar. Many people also worship the moon in a duly manner on this day to remove the moon defect made in their horoscope. Offering raw milk mixed with sugar candy and rice to Chandradev on the full moon is considered very auspicious. During this, the mantra Om Somay Namah should be chanted 108 times.