Summer Solstice 2023: Know why June 21 is the longest day of the year

Image Source : FREEPIK Know why June 21 is the longest day of the year

The summer solstice is a beautiful astronomical event which happens when the pole of the Earth tilts to a degree of 23.5 or more towards the sun. Every year, depending on the Earth’s position in its orbit, the Summer Solstice falls between June 20 to June 22. This year, June 21 is marked to celebrate the beginning of summer or midsummer. In the Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice is known to be the longest day of the year as the day receives maximum sunlight whereas in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the shortest day of the year.

Summer begins in the middle of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; however, in the Southern Hemisphere, it begins in December. This year, apart from International Yoga Day, and World Music Day, people from all across the world will also celebrate the occasion of Summer Solstice on June 21. Interestingly, people will witness the longest day of the year and the shortest night of the year. After June 21, the days are slowly and steadily going to get shorter. This year, Summer Solstice will take place on June 21 at 8.27 PM in India, 3:58 pm BST in the UK and 10:58 am ET / 7:58 am PT in the US.

What is Summer Solstice?

Summer Solstice occurs when the sun goes directly above the Tropic of Cancer which leads to the longest day of the year. And the countries like Mexico, China, India, the Middle East and Northern Africa can experience this magical phenomenon as the Tropic of Cancer passes through these countries. People from the regions closer to the pole witness the “midnight sun”.

This beautiful day helps to increase agricultural productivity as Summer Solstice increases solar energy and also, increases the process of photosynthesis. On this day, the sun rises on the left side of the horizon while it sets on the far right. To celebrate the celestial event in a beautiful way, people from different countries organise events, gatherings and festivals.

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