Suicide rate in the country increased by 6.2% in a year: 1 lakh 53 thousand 52 people committed suicide, Maharashtra has the highest number of suicides in 2021

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Suicide Rates By State Update; Maharashtra Delhi Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu

New Delhi9 minutes ago

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In the year 2021, 1 lakh 64 thousand 033 cases of suicide were reported in India. Maharashtra recorded the highest number of suicides in the country. After this, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh reported the highest number of suicide cases. In 2020, 1 lakh 53 thousand 52 people committed suicide in the country. Compared to 2021, this is a growth of 7.2%. At the same time, the suicide rate has increased by 6.2%.

Suicides up 13.5% in Maharashtra
Maximum 22 thousand 207 people committed suicide in Maharashtra. There have been 18 thousand 925 cases of suicide in Tamil Nadu and 14 thousand 965 cases of suicide in Madhya Pradesh. At the same time, 13 thousand 500 people committed suicide in West Bengal and 13 thousand 503 in Karnataka. Suicide cases in Maharashtra have increased by 13.5% as compared to 2020. On the other hand, cases of suicide have increased by 11.5% in Tamil Nadu, 9.1% in Madhya Pradesh, 8.2% in West Bengal and 8% in Karnataka.

50.4% of suicide cases found in 5 states
Suicides in these five states account for 50.4% of the cases reported in the country. While the remaining 49.6% cases were reported in other 23 states and eight union territories. Uttar Pradesh, the state with the largest share of the country’s population, recorded 3.6% of all suicides in the country.

People commit suicide due to unemployment, loneliness and economic problems
In 2021, 2,840 cases of suicide were reported from the country’s capital Delhi and the most populous union territory. At the same time, a total of 25,891 suicides took place in 53 major cities of the country. This information has come to the fore in the latest report of the National Crime Records Bureau. The reasons for these suicides were unemployment, loneliness, violence, family problems, alcohol addiction, economic problems.

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