Strict on DJs in Punjab: Prohibition on playing obscene, drunken and weaponized songs; ADGP sent a decree to CP-SSP

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  • Bhagwant Mann, DGP VK Bhavra, Punjab Police Ban Vulgar, Alcoholic And Weaponry Songs

Chandigarh44 minutes ago

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DGP VK Bhavra

As soon as the government changed in Punjab, strictness has been imposed on DJs. The police have banned DJs from playing songs that promote obscene, alcohol and weapons at weddings or other functions. In this regard, ADGP (Law and Order) has sent a decree to all the Police Commissioners (CPs) and SSPs. In which he has been asked to keep an eye on DJs in his area. As soon as the order of ADGP is received, instructions have been issued to all the SHOs in the state regarding this.

High Court order cited
The ADGP said in its order that the Punjab and Haryana High Court had given a decision in this regard in the civil writ petition. In which the HC had asked not to play songs promoting obscenity, alcohol, drugs, weapons, gangster culture anywhere. Despite this, many DJs are still playing such songs. Which should be stopped immediately.

Panditrao Dharneshwar of Chandigarh is continuously campaigning against these songs.

Panditrao Dharneshwar of Chandigarh is continuously campaigning against these songs.

Chandigarh’s Panditrao had complained to the DGP
Chandigarh-based social worker Panditrao Dharneshwar had complained to DGP VK Bhavra that songs promoting liquor and gun culture were being played indiscriminately in Punjab. There should be immediate action in this regard. After which the DGP has issued these orders through the ADGP.

Orders sent by ADGP…

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