Story of dacoit – 4: First he used to cut his nose, shoot his hand and leg, put petrol on fire … then the dacoit Babli Kol used to record the video

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  • First He Used To Cut His Nose, Shoot His Hands And Feet, Put Petrol On Fire … Then The Robber Babli Kol Used To Record The Video

21 minutes agoWriters: Ashish Urmalia

In the year 1979, a child is born to a laborer in Doda Tikaria village of Chitrakoot district. The mother dies on the second day after the child is born. The child grows up. After studying up to class VIII in the village, he goes to Banda to do Inter. Meanwhile, his father also dies and poverty dominates him. returns to the village. The condition becomes so bad that if someone gives food, it is not good, otherwise he would have gone to sleep hungry. One day the police comes and arrests him and puts him in jail.

Today in Dacoit Ki Kahani-4, the story of the same boy Babli Cole who grew up to become a prize dacoit of 7 lakhs. Why did he kill people by setting fire to them? Let’s know…

Started supplying goods to Daduwa, the police did not even notice
Babli Kol belonged to the most backward caste of Bundelkhand. After the death of his father, he started working as a wood seller. He would go to the forest, collect wood and sell the girl’s bundle on his head from village to village.

old picture of bubbly cole

Meanwhile, in the year 2007, the police arrest 28-year-old Babli for helping the Thokia dacoit. Actually, Dadua sometimes used to come to Doda village with his gang. He comes to know that Babli is unclaimed. Babli started ordering the things he needed in the forest. He used to give some money too. Gradually, Babli started transporting his illegal goods to the forest safely. After several days, the police suspected Babli and arrested him.

Meets Thokia’s henchman Lale Patel in jail
In jail, he meets Thokia’s henchman Lale Patel. Babli is released from jail after just 6 months. Now Babli wanted to get Lale Patel out of jail. It was only during his stay in jail that Babli came to know when Lale was to appear in the court. On the day of the production, when the police takes Lale to court, Babli attacks the police and escapes with Lale and makes the forest of Patha his den.

A small view of the forest of Patha

A small view of the forest of Patha

In the first crime, the entire train was robbed
As soon as he reaches the forest, Babli needs money. He along with Lale Patel forms a gang of 5 more people and one day they raid the Kamayani Express train. Due to the robbery of lakhs of rupees in the train, panic spreads in the area, but the police could not know who was this robber.

Babli became the king of the jungles of Patha as soon as the power changed in UP.
Mayawati’s government was in UP from 2007 to 2012. Mayawati took strong action against the dacoits. Killed the dreaded bandits like Thokia and Dadua. After the death of Thokia, the ravine of Chambal was commanded by his henchman dacoit Balkhadia. Meanwhile, Babli Cole joined Balkhadia’s gang and then started working separately with 15 bandits.

Babli looked like this before joining the gang of dacoits Balkhadia

Babli looked like this before joining the gang of dacoits Balkhadia

The government in UP was strict, so Babli made the forests of MP his den. In Madhya Pradesh, incidents like robbery, kidnapping and murder started to happen continuously. In the year 2012, as soon as the power of UP changed, Babli committed the biggest scandal of his life and became the king of the rugged.

First cut off his nose, then put petrol on fire, got a video shot while shooting
For 5 years, Babli committed dozens of murders. Hundreds of robberies and kidnappings were carried out. Whenever he felt like he would get anyone beaten up by the boys of his gang. Babli had riddled a farmer of Doda village with bullets by standing at the crossroads on suspicion of being an informer.

In the year 2012, Babli did such a scandal that the police of MP and UP had come under strict control. Actually, Babli made 5 members of the same family stand in line in Tikriya village and first cut their nose. Then shot him in the hands and feet. After that pouring petrol on them and setting them on fire. The biggest thing was that he got a video of this whole incident made and shared.

Police team reached Doda village after the massacre - File

Police team reached Doda village after the massacre – File

This heinous murder had stunned the people of many districts. Babli had spread his terror in every district. After this incident, Babli became a dacoit with a prize of Rs.6 lakh. The Uttar Pradesh government and 1 lakh Madhya Pradesh government had placed a reward of 5 and a half lakh on him.

Used to make recovery by issuing a letter pad in his name
Now people of districts like Banda, Chitrakoot, Manikpur, Lalitpur and Satna used to be imprisoned in their homes as soon as the sun set due to the fear of Babli. Because after dusk, the day of Babli Cole would begin and with it the orgy of death.

At the age of 32, a total of 150 cases were registered against Babli including more than 50 murders, more than 24 kidnappings. Now Babli started issuing his letter pad. Write the amount on the letter and get it delivered to the merchants. The merchants would have delivered the requested amount to him without thinking anything.

The police also started panicking on hearing the name, the police of two states used to do the operation together.
The STF team of MP-UP used to search the forests continuously in search of him. Before the police could find Babli, Babli used to surround the police. On May 22, 2016, he had an encounter with the police. The police had to face it.

In 2018 also, the police of both the states conducted a joint operation, an encounter took place. Babli killed 4 jawans including the station in-charge. Experts say, “At one time such a time had come, even the police had started shying away from going in front of him.”

Later it looked like Babli Cole

Later it looked like Babli Cole

Didn’t let the girl and the mobile stay close for a long time
Babli was married before becoming a dacoit but he did not stay with his wife for more than a year. He didn’t even like his wife. In the ravines, he makes relations with many girls but does not have any relation with them. Apart from this, he never even kept a mobile with him. He had instructed his gang to keep a distance from the girl and the mobile. However, later some experts had told that he also had a girlfriend named Gudiya Cole. If he used to kidnap someone, he used to demand ransom from his phone.

Babli's alleged girlfriend Gudiya Kol, who was murdered by unidentified people with sticks and sticks in the year 2020 after Babli's death.

Babli’s alleged girlfriend Gudiya Kol, who was murdered by unidentified people with sticks and sticks in the year 2020 after Babli’s death.

The incident that led to Babli’s death, Kamal Nath was giving updates on Twitter
In August 2019, Babli kidnaps a mawa trader from Manikpur, UP and collects ransom. Exactly 15 days after this, in September 2019, Awadhesh Dwivedi, a farmer of Harsed village of Dharkundi police station of Satna, MP, picks up Dwivedi from his house at 2 pm. After the kidnapping, Babli demands a ransom of 50 lakhs.

Picture of STF team in search of Babli Coal

Picture of STF team in search of Babli Coal

After this incident, Kamal Nath, who was the Chief Minister of the state at that time, becomes active and sends 6 teams of police to the forests of Patha. Help is also sought from the UP government. Kamal Nath starts giving constant updates through Twitter.

Encounter happened after several hours of encounter
The Kamal Nath government entrusts the responsibility of this operation to IG Chanchal Shekar. The police did not have any fresh pictures of Babli, so she resorts to informers. Lali Kol, a member of Babli’s gang, becomes his informer. Police traces Babli.

Post-encounter picture of Babli Cole and his partner Lovelace Cole

Post-encounter picture of Babli Cole and his partner Lovelace Cole

From Badrasua of Markundi police station area to the forest of Leatheri, there is a continuous encounter of several hours. A few hours later, the bodies of Babli and one of his companions, Lovelesh Cole, a prize of 1.5 lakh, are found in the leather forest. SP Riyaz Iqbal confirms the death of these two dreaded dacoits.

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