Stone-firing in two communities in Haryana, VIDEO: A dozen injured in the clash in Nuh, many vehicles were broken; Seeing the tense atmosphere police force deployed

Nuh8 minutes ago

In Haryana’s Nuh (Mewat), a violent clash broke out between people of two communities on Monday over a minor issue. In this clash which took place in Kheda Khalilpur village, there was a lot of stone pelting from both the sides. People showered sticks on each other and even fired bullets. About a dozen people have also been injured in the quarrel.

As soon as this was known, a heavy police force led by ASP Usha Kundu reached there. The police is busy in controlling the quarrel. Some people have been detained. There is tension in the village. People from both sides are gathered there. The police is standing between the two.

High speed bike became the reason for the fight
The circumstances of the quarrel in Kheda Khalilpur village were created on Sunday. People of a community say that one of their boys, Bilal (15), was returning on Sunday morning after leaving a person on a motorcycle. During this, there was a dispute while passing near Nathuram’s house from another community. Here people thrashed Bilal.

Wrecked car.  Bullets were also fired on this.

Wrecked car. Bullets were also fired on this.

Another community said – the girl was saved by coming in the grip
At the same time, the relatives of Nathuram said that Bilal was riding a bike at a high speed. An 8-year-old girl somehow survived after being hit by his bike. During this, when Bilal was interrupted, he spoke in reverse. After this there was a fight. After this the matter was pacified.

Police team arresting the accused.

Police team arresting the accused.

Clashes again on Monday, followed by stone pelting and firing
The same controversy started again on Monday. In which stones were pelted from both the sides. When people came out in the streets here, bricks were pelted from the roofs. During this, the whole village was shaken by the bullets. It is being told that the family members of Nathuram have suffered injuries. He is being treated at Sohna’s hospital.

Village converted into police camp
Police reached the spot after getting information about a fight between two communities in Kheda Khalilpur village. After this the people were dispersed. Some hoodlums were detained by the people by entering their houses. At present, no complaint has been given from any side. The village has been converted into a police cantonment.

Pictures after the clash between the two communities.

The village has been converted into a police cantonment.

The village has been converted into a police cantonment.

Bricks lying in the streets are testifying to the disturbance.

Bricks lying in the streets are testifying to the disturbance.

ASP Usha Kundu reached the spot after stone pelting and firing.

ASP Usha Kundu reached the spot after stone pelting and firing.

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