Stenographer vacancy in Bihar, last date to apply today: If you are 18 years old then apply immediately, after selection the salary will be up to 76 thousand

Patnaone day before

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Like everyday, today also we are present with 5 jobs for you. The first job is on the post of Stenographer in Bihar. 18 year old youth can apply for this. Today is the last date to apply. The second job is in Delhi Development Authority on 687 different posts. Graduate students can apply for this. After selection, you will get salary up to 34 thousand.

Apart from this, there are vacancies for 1638 posts in SSB, 35 posts in Reserve Bank of India and 8611 posts in IBPS.

  • Let’s know about all five jobs, as well as read 10 current affairs.

You learned about five jobs here. You must have some questions in your mind. Therefore, you must check the official notification through the given website. The rest of the jobs that have been mentioned, if you feel that this fulfills the need of your brother-friend or relative, then definitely send it to them.

In the end, we are giving 10 latest current affairs questions and answers. See them everyday. If possible, go on saving. So that it will prove beneficial for you in the upcoming examinations.

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