State ready to handle Omicron variant: Banna | Ranchi News – Times of India

Jamshedpur: The Jharkhand government is all prepared to deal with the new Covid-19 variant Omicron, informed state health and disaster management minister Banna Gupta.
Underlining the need for more vaccination, Gupta said the administration has been notified to identify those who have not been jabbed and ensure that they are innoculated as fast as possible.
He added along with following the Covid protocols, vaccination is a must for anyone to remain safe. Officials of the administration are finding ways to locate those who are yet to get vaccinated, added the minister.
Gupta, told TOI on Monday that keeping in mind the possible outbreak of a third wave of the pandemic and learning from past experience, instructions have been given to ensure that there is sufficient stock of oxygen for patients if required.
During the second wave of Covid, there were allegations that many lost their lives in hospital and at home because of lack of oxygen.
Gupta said oxygen-manufacturing plants have been set up keeping in mind the possible demand and more are in the pipeline.
He said the state does not have a genome sequencing machine but efforts are on to install one soon. It will help in speedy testing of samples, which will help doctors here. If required, beds for children have been kept ready at various places across the state. Doctors have been trained to deal with any kind of emergency situation.
Gupta said all over state 28,600 beds have been kept ready for Covid patients.
Talking about the booster dose for frontline workers and those in the 60-plus age group, he said all should get the extra jab. He opined that children in the age group of 12 to 18 should be inoculated. Gupta was commenting on the recent announcement of PM Narendra Modi allowing vaccination of those between 15 and 18 years of age.
