Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s class in Himachal colleges: Art of Living founder meets CM, will teach yoga and pranayama in college-university

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Padmavibhushan Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of International Organization Art of Living, is currently on Himachal tour. He is staying at the Himalayan Ashram of Art of Living being built in Palampur, Kangra. On Holi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar played colors with the Art of Living volunteers there and wished everyone.

On this occasion, apart from Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, Ministers Chandra Kumar, Rohit Thakur, Chief Parliamentary Secretary Ashish Butail and MLA Kewal Singh Pathania came to meet Sri Sri. During this, discussions were held between the Chief Minister and Ravi Shankar on prevention of drug addiction in the state and working together for the younger generation to lead a stress-free life.

CM Sukhu honoring Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by wearing Himachali cap

CM Sukhu honoring Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by wearing Himachali cap

Art of Living’s efforts mentioned
Art of Living’s state media coordinator Tripta Sharma said that during the meeting with Chief Minister Sukhu, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar mentioned the efforts being made by the Art of Living organization for the upliftment of the youth and society in the state. He said that more than 245 students were trained in electrical and solar in Solan and Palampur. More than 800 youths have been given YLTP i.e. Youth Leadership Training Programs. In addition, 10 border government schools in Chamba, Kullu and Manali have been upgraded with solar powered digital classrooms.

CM Sukhu in conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

CM Sukhu in conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Drug free campus nodal hub will be made
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar informed the Chief Minister that Art of Living has taken up the project under UNDP Safe Himalayas to establish Pangi, Chamba and Gopalpur panchayats as model panchayats. Expressing concern over the increasing drug addiction among the youth, he said that wellness centers would be set up in the state’s colleges and universities, which would also act as nodal hubs for counseling and drug free campuses.

CM Sukhu felicitating Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by presenting a shawl

CM Sukhu felicitating Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by presenting a shawl

The Chief Minister appreciated the work of the organization
Chief Minister Sukhu appreciated the work being done by Art of Living organization in the state and assured to work closely with the organization. He said that the state government is on the way to develop Kangra as tourism capital and is promoting tourism business in the state in every possible way.

The Chief Minister also reiterated the commitment of the government to work for the upliftment of Sanatan Sanskriti, green energy and ancient traditions along with drug addiction and mental health. He said that his government was bringing a strict law against drug abuse in the state so that the young generation could be kept away from drugs. On this occasion, Education Minister Rohit Thakur assured to work together to imbibe Yoga and Pranayama in educational institutions of the state with the help of Art of Living organization.

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