Sri Lanka: Indian Official Assaulted, High Commission Urges Citizens To Make Movements Safely

Amid the political crisis in Sri Lanka, an official of the Indian Embassy was attacked near the capital Colombo Monday night. The officer has been identified as Vivek Verma, who is the director of the Indian Visa Centre. The Indian High Commission tweeted that Vivek Verma was attacked without any reason. He has suffered serious injuries. The High Commission of India has appealed to the Indian nationals in Sri Lanka to be vigilant. Officials from the mission met Vivek Verma, and the matter has been taken up with Sri Lankan authorities.

“The relations between the people of India and Sri Lanka have always been cordial and friendly. In the current situation, Indian nationals in Sri Lanka are requested to remain aware of the latest developments and accordingly plan their movements and activities. You may contact us when required,” the High Commission of India tweeted.

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In another tweet, it said mission officials Tuesday met “Vivek Varma, an Indian national and Director of Indian Visa Centre, who sustained grievous injuries in an unprovoked assault last night near Colombo”.

India has been helping the island nation that is facing an unprecedented political crisis. India has provided financial assistance of about $4 billion to Sri Lanka in the form of loans or goods. India has been continuously providing oil, food grains, medicines, fertilizers, essential items for children to Sri Lanka.