Social fabric: The slogan of gender equality around the world finally turned out to be hollow

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Gender Equality, World Finally Turned Out To Be Hollow, Dainik Bhaskar Opinion

2 hours ago

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This is just a slogan in many countries of the world that proudly talk about equality between men and women. A recent report by McKenzie has revealed that for the work in which men get 100 rupees, women are given only 73 rupees for the same work in the same post.

That is, the salary of women is 27 percent less than that of men. In India, the condition is even worse. Here women get two percent less salary than the world average. Means men get 100 rupees and women get only 71 rupees.

The report states that this difference or discrimination is highest in Kerala, India’s most educated state. The statistics department says that the average daily wage for men in villages in Kerala is Rs.842. In comparison, the wages of women are only Rs 434 per day. That is almost half.

The reason is simple – family responsibilities sometimes stop women from their work and sometimes even make them quit. While men have very less family responsibilities as compared to women. Responsibility here does not mean only earning money. Maintaining kinship, taking care of children, getting their homework done, when does a man pay attention to all this? Rather, he believes that his wife or mother, even if she is working, is solely responsible for doing all the household chores.

The surprising thing is that she has been doing all this since ages. While the men come from the office and do nothing except throwing the bag and ordering food. What kind of equality is this after all? what kind of justice

Well years ago women did not leave the house. She used to do all the work only by staying at home, but whose fault was this too? It was for men only. They stopped women from studying. Did not allow to move forward. Didn’t even let me walk with you step by step.

What would she do after all? She has become well versed in household chores, family responsibilities, but how can this special quality become a punishment for her. A woman also does as much work as a man does in the office. Then why did he struggle alone with all the work even after coming home? Why doesn’t the man also do half of her work? The questions are many, but our male dominated society has no answers.

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