Sikh arrested to kill Maharani: Video of young man carrying bow – I will avenge Jallianwala Bagh

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  • Video Of The Young Man Who Brought The Bow I Will Avenge Jallianwala Bagh

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A young man broke into her palace on Christmas Eve with the intention of killing Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. The young man says that he wants to kill the British Queen to avenge Jallianwala Bagh. The name of the accused youth is Jaswant Singh Khail.

The age of the accused youth is only 19 years. He also released a Christmas video as he entered Windsor Castle. He is seen saying in the video that he regrets the step he is about to take.

The 95-year-old British Queen was seen on Christmas Eve after a long time.

The 95-year-old British Queen was seen on Christmas Eve after a long time.

my name is darth jones, i will avenge everyone

The accused youth said, ‘The attempt to kill Queen Elizabeth of the Royal Family is a revenge for those who were killed in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919. It is also the revenge of those who were killed or humiliated because of their caste. I am an Indian Sikh, ‘a Sith’. My name was Jaswant Singh Chail, my name is Darth Jones.’

The young man had entered the palace with a bow

Scotland Yard, which arrested the man, said his video was being investigated. To kill the queen, the accused entered the palace wearing a hoodie and mask. The CCTV footage showed him climbing the wall. He also had a bow in his hand. The police have arrested the accused under the Mental Health Act.

If you get the video then understand – my death is near

The accused is seen wearing a mask in the video. This mask is inspired by the Hollywood movie Star Wars. ‘Sith’ is the villain character of this movie. Chail’s video had a picture of Star Wars character Darth Malgus in the background. Jaswant wrote in a message sent to his friends – I apologize to all those with whom I did wrong or lied. If you have received this message, then understand that my death is near. Please share this video with as many people as possible.

more than a thousand people died

The Jallianwala Bagh incident, which the youth was talking about, happened on the day of Baisakhi on 13 April 1919. In Amritsar’s Jallianwala Bagh, General Dyer opened fire on thousands of people who were meeting against the Rowlatt Act. More than a thousand people died in this. Women, men and children were all among the dead. More than 1,200 people were injured in this shooting. Many people jumped into the well built there to save their lives, in which many people were also killed.

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