Sidhu Musewala’s father’s ultimatum to the Punjab government: want justice in a month or else I will leave the country, will also withdraw the FIR of the son’s murder

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  • Sidhu Musewala Murder Case, Father Balkaur Singh Said, If Justice Is Not Given, FIR Will Be Withdrawn On November 25

Ludhiana27 minutes ago

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Balkaur Singh, father of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala, said during a meeting on Sunday that it has been 5 months since Moosewala was murdered, but justice is not being received from the government. I had faith in the law, that’s why so far no dharna has been given anywhere, but now the government is not listening.

Musewala had decided to stay in his own country instead of living in countries like the US and Canada, but gangsters in Punjab started weaving nets and made him a victim. Balkaur Singh said that if justice is not received by November 25, then he will withdraw the FIR of the murder of son Shubhdeep Musewala after talking to the DGP. I will also follow the same path my son took.

Musewala’s father said that the NIA is also now summoning those who stand for Sidhu. Sidhu’s mobile, pistol and other items are with NIA only as he wishes. Moosewala has no links with gangsters, but agencies are bent on linking him with gangsters.

Police has also filed a charge sheet in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case.

Police has also filed a charge sheet in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case.

Moosewala has been taking 1.25 crore rupees for a show abroad. Why would he have a relationship with gangsters for a few pennies? The CIA in-charge has been doing parties with gangsters, but the government is sitting blindly. At the same time, no artist in the Punjabi film industry came openly in favor of Moosewala, if anyone has come, then only 2 girls.

The conspiracy of Sidhu Musewala murder case was hatched by gangster Lawrence and executed by Goldie Brar.

The conspiracy of Sidhu Musewala murder case was hatched by gangster Lawrence and executed by Goldie Brar.

It is wrong for NIA to summon Afsana and Jani in this way. The NIA has not even questioned Lawrence’s specials who live in Delhi till now. Balkaur Singh said that he considered the CIA incharge as God, but he cheated.

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