Shubham Tiwari, Founder of Tiwar Foundation talks about the importance of child education

Partner Content

oi-Oneindia Staff


Published: Thursday, October 6, 2022, 16:44 [IST]

In the capitalist world, everyone is busy working towards their goals. Sometimes we get too busy doing that we forget we’ve some responsibility towards other people too. But thankfully, there are humans like Shubham Tiwari who are working relentlessly toward the welfare of underprivileged people.

Shubham Tiwari, Founder of Tiwar Foundation talks about the importance of child education

Shubham Tiwari, the founder of NGO Tiwar Foundation feels strong empathy toward underprivileged children.

Shubham sees it as his responsibility to help as many as possible and has started the NGO named Tiwar foundation. The NGO is dedicated to the welfare of children who generally don’t receive the care they deserve.

“We support children to reach their full potential! We run shelter homes, schools, and a reasonable mess that helps such needy people. We also have our helpline offices that can be approached at any time.” reads the official statement of Tiwar Foundation.

Some of the ways Tiwar Foundation is helping the children include:

1) Find & Fund

The NGO looks for opportunities to help as many children as possible. It approaches and funds all those who are in need.

2) Education

Today’s children need a helping hand and the right guidance at every stage. The NGO takes care of them like their own and provides them right education.

3) Special Care

We build schools for underprivileged children so they are encouraged to attend school with their friends.

Tiwar Foundation has 1,000K+ members worldwide, has helped more than 950,000 children so far, has raised 300 million + funds till now, and has provided 50,000T food.

Based in Bhilwara, Rajasthan, Shubham Tiwari is running the NGO while continuing his own education. He is currently in the Final Year of his Bachelor of Arts. More than materialistic pleasures, he believes in the pleasure that comes when one helps the needy. At such a young age, Shubham has been actively involved in several noble initiatives.

He has given his support to building shelters for elderly people and has also provided ration kits to underprivileged sections of society. Shubham has helped thousands of underprivileged people during the pandemic.

Story first published: Thursday, October 6, 2022, 16:44 [IST]