Shimla’s condition during PM rally-roadshow: Modi-Modi slogans echoing; jam on cart road; Half open market, police checking campaign

Shimla15 minutes ago

Women reached Ridge Maidan to listen to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Modi, Modi and Modi…Today this slogan is echoing in every nook and corner of Shimla, the queen of hills. People are walking towards the ridge carrying lotus flowers and BJP flags in their hands. Because Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be seen there. His road show and public meeting is to be held in Shimla.

That’s why people from all over the state are reaching Shimla to see the PM and listen to his speech. Three zones have been created to park vehicles in the city. In such a situation, people have to travel a distance of about 3 kilometers on foot. People are reaching the Ridge Maidan by chanting nati and shouting slogans.

There is a traffic jam on Cart Road since morning. The traffic police has driven one-way traffic. Traffic on the other side has been closed, but this is not affecting the people coming to the rally, as the people coming to the rally have already parked their vehicles. He is coming on foot.

Shuttle buses run for rally attendees

Buses are running normally on other routes of the city, but for those coming for the rally, there are shuttle buses. People coming from Upper Shimla have been stopped at Dhali. People coming from Bilaspur, Kangra, Solan have been stopped at Tutikandi bypass, at Tawi Mor. They are being taken to the Old Bus Stand only through shuttle buses.

Market condition of Shimla

Some shops are open and some are closed in Mallroad and Ganj Bazar. There is a lot of crowd here, but the shopping in the shops is decreasing. Today the street vendors have been removed from the middle market by the MC. In such a situation, there is no Tehbazari sitting around Lower Bazar and Sabzi Mandi.

security checking campaign

The DFMD gates have been built just before the rally site on the Ridge ground. Every visitor is being checked here. Every item kept in the pocket is being thoroughly scrutinized. Bottles of water are also not allowed to be carried at the rally venue.

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