Share market: SEBI, which checks everyone, will also be investigated now.

27 minutes ago

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The shares of companies reach from three hundred to three thousand. The Security and Exchange Board of India i.e. SEBI remains negligent in its sleep. Then some report comes and these shares become huge. Small investors suffer big losses. SEBI still remains in sleep. The Supreme Court has now asked the Central Government to form a committee. This committee will give such suggestions that SEBI can be woken up from sleep or some such suggestions which will not give sleep to SEBI.

Overall, this committee will suggest whether there is a need for changes in the regulatory mechanism of the stock market.

The petitions are, in fact, against Hindenburg. It has been said in these that this report has tarnished the image of the country. Not only this, Hindenburg short-sold the shares, causing losses to the investors. Moreover, Hindenburg founder Nathan Anderson also could not provide any evidence for his claims.

It is obvious that nothing wonderful is going to emerge from the newly formed committee. Everyone knows that Hindenburg Research had published a report regarding Adani Group. In the report, allegations ranging from money laundering to share manipulation were made on the group. Shares of the group turned upside down after the report. Not only this, along with Adani, the shares of some banks were also in a bad condition. What was it after that? From the Parliament to the road, there was no discussion other than Adani. Discussion, uproar and demonstration.

I remembered from the demonstration – In Rajasthan, BJP leaders made many allegations against Congress regarding Adani. He said – Congress protests against BJP regarding Adani and in Rajasthan itself is distributing land to them. We want to bring this double character in front of the public. BJP leader Rajendra Rathore has said that the Congress government has given 85 thousand bighas of land to Adani in Rajasthan. You loot the land like this and accuse us, how will it work? Rathore did not stop here.

The BJP has said that the Congress government has given 85,000 bighas of land to Adani in Rajasthan.

The BJP has said that the Congress government has given 85,000 bighas of land to Adani in Rajasthan.

He said that the Congress government gave a single tender of coal to Adani. The costliest coal was purchased by flouting the Procurement Act. Due to this expensive Adani coal, every electricity consumer of the state has to pay a surcharge of seven paise per unit. But what to do! The Congress government also has its own compulsions. Funds that have to be sent to AICC. Rathore said – That’s why all this has to be done.

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