Shan dao kaste, Trinamool should be chased away with shoes, Salim played Damama.

Panchayat election bells started ringing again. There are indications that the vote may be held in April itself. Various political parties have entered the arena after drinking ginger water. But the question is how the opposition will deal with terrorism? This time, CPM leader Mohammad Salim gave a direct warning from the meeting of Birbhum’s Margram. The state secretary of CPM has informed that the Trinamool should be kicked out in the panchayat. Jhandar danda should be thickened. The sickle must be sharpened.

Salim’s clear demand, Trinamool should be kicked out in the panchayat. The Trinamool leaders who used to drink water by drowning should be drowned. Those who think that the sickle has become blunt, will loot now, then I will tell our brothers to keep the sickle sharp. In this, rice will also be saved, value will also be saved, honor will also be saved, Iman will also be saved. A very direct warning. The CPM leadership made a desperate attempt to strengthen the party workers from the Kest Garh to practically stop the terror of the ruling party.

And CPM leader Sujan Chakraborty said that Trinamool will lose only if there is a vote. Voting with the state police actually means vote looting. coercion Everyone remembers the 2018 election. Voting for the state police means something. So that democracy does not agree.