SGPC called the house on June 26: Pradhan Dhami said – AAP government’s proposal passed in the assembly is not accepted; interference in religious affairs

Amritsar40 minutes ago

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The SGPC has rejected the approval given to the amendment vote in the Gurdwara Act 1925 regarding the broadcast of Gurbani in the Punjab Legislative Assembly. SGPC Principal Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami has called a special meeting of the General Assembly on 26 June. In which the issues of amendment in the Act and interference of politics in religion will be raised.

Advocate Dhami has alleged that SGPC had already formed a committee regarding Gurbani broadcast. Who also had to give his views. But the verdict was not awaited for a month. On July 21, the committee should not take any such decision on its own, which would tarnish the image of SGPC. The Chief Minister has taken this decision in haste to build his image in front of the people.

SGPC Principal Advocate talking about the passed vote in Dhami Vidhansabha.

SGPC Principal Advocate talking about the passed vote in Dhami Vidhansabha.

Pradhan Dhami said- It will be written in black letters in Punjab and Sikh history. When this act was made at the time of the British, the British wanted to form their adhoc committee. But he was not accepted and the Sikh Panth formed its own committee and prepared this act.

SGPC approval required for change
Dhami said that till date no tampering has been done in this act made in 1925. A change was made in 1942 that if any changes were to be sent in this act, the SGPC should send it after approving it. Then the custom was considered bigger than the rules. The amendment took place twice before 1966, because Punjab was a joint state. Before this day, changes used to take place on the basis of the votes cast by the General House. This was so that there is no coercion with community and religion, as happened today.

With this step, the government made a thief road
Advocate Dhami said that with this step an attempt has been made to open a backdoor, which can be used to interfere in the Sikh religion. Tomorrow the governments will say whatever they want. SGPC will be run from Chandigarh. In such a situation, there will be no existence of SGPC.

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