Section in the name of mother on PM Modi’s website: Memories… Mother is the new bridge to meet you, now I will walk on this

New Delhi22 minutes ago

A section dedicated to his mother Heeraben Modi has been created on the official website of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In this, things related to Hiraba’s life, his photo-videos and his teachings have been included. At the same time, four separate sections have been made in it. In this, Hiraba’s public life, Hiraba in the country’s memories, condolence messages from world leaders on Hiraba’s demise and a template for celebrating motherhood have been given. Hiraba passed away on December 30 last year, after which this microsite has been launched to pay tribute to him.

Hiraba’s sayings and thoughts have been written in the microsite, which inspires PM Modi even today.

Video titled ‘Me and Mother’
It has a video in the beginning, in which PM Modi’s heartfelt words for his mother have been beautifully presented. In this video, the time from the childhood of PM Modi to the death of his mother has been shown in the form of a story.

At the end of the video, the words of PM Modi have been voiced. It said, ‘Respected mother, today you are no more, yet the rituals given by you are spread on my mind and brain like your two hands, which give me strength and education. Bowing down, applying tilak on the forehead, feeding sweets, holding hands, lighting a lamp, touching my feet and your energy reaching my veins from the tip of my fingers, these few memories are now a new bridge between me and you mother. Mother, this is a new bridge to meet you, now I will walk on this. Whenever there is struggle or joy in life, wherever I will be in future, you will always be missing.

4 sub-sections in microsite
Four sections have been created in this microsite. The first of these is Life in Public Domain, which includes photo-videos related to Hiraba’s public life, his sayings and artwork related to him. The second section, Nation Remembers, includes television coverage of his death, print and digital coverage, condolence messages and tributes on Twitter and the NaMo app.

The blog written by PM Modi on Hiraba's 99th birthday has also been shared in this microsite.

The blog written by PM Modi on Hiraba’s 99th birthday has also been shared in this microsite.

Its third section, World Leaders’ Condolences, includes condolence messages from world leaders on Hiraba’s death. The last section is Celebrate Motherhood, in which four templates have been given with pictures of PM Modi and his mother. People will have the option to select one of these pictures and post their message on it, which will be displayed on this website.

The Celebrate Motherhood section of the microsite has four templates of photographs of PM Modi and his mother.

The Celebrate Motherhood section of the microsite has four templates of photographs of PM Modi and his mother.

PM’s blog also included in mother’s name in the microsite
PM Modi wrote a blog on his website to mark the beginning of the 100th year of his mother’s life. In this he wrote about his mother’s love, sacrifice and penance. He had written, ‘Mother, this is not just a word. This is the feeling of life in which affection, patience, faith, so many things are included. Be it any corner of the world, be it any country, the most precious affection in the heart of every child is for the mother. Mother, not only builds our body but also builds our mind, our personality, our confidence. And while doing this for her children, she consumes herself, forgets herself.

Today I want to share my happiness, my good fortune with all of you. My mother, Hiraba is entering her hundredth year today, 18th June. That means his birth centenary year is starting. Had father been alive today, he too would have turned 100 last week. Means 2022 is a year when my mother’s birth centenary year is starting and this year my father’s birth centenary year is completed. Read full blog here…

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