Secret Vrindavan Dham of Bengal: It is necessary to be a vegetarian for darshan here; If you want to worship, then there should be a garland of Tulsi around your neck.

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  • Gupt Vrindavan Dham Of Bengal Where Be Vegetarian Necessary To Perform Rituals

Kolkata17 minutes ago

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Babita Mali. At a distance of about 35 km from Kolkata, there is Baoli village near Budge Budge. The 350-year-old temple located here has very strict rules for the devotees. It is necessary to be a vegetarian to visit here. Apart from this, you can enter the temple, but touching the idols is prohibited. It is known as Gupta Vrindavan Dham.

There are 5 temples in this Dham built on five acres. They are being renovated. It is believed that these temples may have been built by Mandal landlords of Baoli but their roots are in UP. Committee member Diwakar Kole gave many interesting information regarding the construction, naming and rules of the temple.

Kole explains, ‘Like Mayapur ISKCON Temple and Gaudiya Math, this temple has strict rules. According to Vaishnavism, if men want to worship, it is necessary for them to have tilak on the forehead, thrice-twisted Tulsi garland around the neck, and for women, Tilak on the forehead and Tulsi garland around the neck is enough.

The transformation that took place after the arrival of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Kole says, ‘The Mandal Zamindar of Baoli was a devotee of Shiva. But centuries ago Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came here. Actually, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was traveling on foot with Gaur Mohan Das, the landlord of Nadia. When he came to Baoli, he instilled faith in Vaishnavism in the mind of Mandal Zamindar. Due to which he became a worshiper of Vaishnavism.

These landlords had taken a vow to build a temple in the 108 names of Lord Krishna. Under this, 17 temples were built in Baoli. Kole says, ‘At present only 5 temples are fine here. Rest of the Radhaballabh, Radhagopinath, Radhagovind, Gopal ji and the restoration work of Jagannath and Balaram temples is going on.

The sages of Kashi did the naming
Sadhus of UP used to pass through Baoli during Sagar Mela. First of all he used to visit Radhakanta temple and then left for the fair. This temple was away from everyone’s eyes, so they named it as Gupta Vrindavan Dham. On the issue of not declaring the temple as heritage, Kole says that this temple is completely dedicated to Vaishnavism. If it is declared heritage, then people of all religions will enter.

A grand Dol festival is organized here on Dol Purnima and people from far and wide take part in it. We cannot break this rule in any way. A committee has also been formed for the renovation of temples after taking permission from the landlords. Going from village to village, we are also seeking help from common citizens, so that our history can be preserved.

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