SBI CBO Recruitment 2023: Registration Date Extended Till December 17

SBI CBO Recruitment 2023: The State Bank of India (SBI) has extended the registration date for SBI CBO Recruitment 2023 until December 17, 2023. Interested candidates aiming for the Circle Based Officers positions can submit their applications through the official SBI website at Initially scheduled from November 22 to December 12, 2023, the registration window has been extended to accommodate applicants. This recruitment drive aims to fill 5,280 vacancies for Circle-Based Officers.

SBI CBO Eligibility Criteria

The educational qualifications required for SBI CBO 2023 include a graduation degree in any discipline from a recognised university or an equivalent qualification acknowledged by the Central Government. Additionally, candidates with qualifications like Medical, Engineering, Chartered Accountancy, or Cost Accountancy are eligible. 

Candidates should be not younger than 21 years and not older than 30 years as of October 31, 2023. There are relaxations in the upper age limit applicable for candidates belonging to reserved categories. Further details can be found in the official notification.

SBI CBO Selection Process

The selection process will have three stages: An online test (objective and descriptive), screening and interview.

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SBI CBO Application Fee

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