Satish Kaushik: Vikas Malu’s wife accused her own husband of killing Satish Kaushik, wrote a letter to the police


Satish Kaushik’s death case took a new turn on Saturday when the second wife of his close friend Vikas Malu accused her own husband and his associates of getting Satish murdered. Saanvi Malu has written a letter to Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora demanding an inquiry into the matter.

In fact, Saanvi claims that Satish had given Rs 15 crore to Vikas for investment about three years ago. Neither the money was returned to Satish nor was any profit given to him. On demanding the money back, Vikas hatched a conspiracy and got Satish murdered. There has been a stir after this letter. At present, no police officer is ready to say anything on the matter. Now everyone is watching how the police will investigate this case.

Saanvi Malik, a resident of East Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, told that in the year 2019, she was married to Vikas. On 23 August 2022, Satish came to Vikas at his Dubai home. At that time, he had asked for his money saying that he was in dire need of money. There was an argument between the two regarding this. Vikas Malu promised to return Satish’s money back to India soon.

Saanvi alleged that on being asked, Vikas had said that all the money was lost in Kovid. Now who will return the money to Satish. It will be removed one way or the other. For this foreign girls will be arranged and she will be given an overdose of medicines. Saanvi also alleged that her husband had links with underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. Now on Holi, Satish’s health deteriorating at Vikas’s farm house and his death due to heart attack all seem to be a conspiracy. Therefore, the Delhi Police should now investigate this entire matter with the Crime Branch or any other agency.

Please tell that Satish Kaushik’s health deteriorated on the night of March 8 at Vikas Malu’s farm house itself, after which he was taken to the hospital. Later he was declared dead. In the initial post mortem report, the death has been described as a heart attack. Now the detailed post mortem report and viscera report of the police is awaited. After Saanvi’s allegations, now it has to be seen how the police will investigate the matter.