Said I would come on Janmashtami: The murder of Jang Bahadur living in Saudi Arabia stirred up, the Pakistani living together committed the murder

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In connection with the job, a middle-aged resident of Tanda, Jagdishpur in Saudi Arabia was murdered two days ago by a fellow colleague from Pakistan. After the murder, a young man living with him gave this information to the family members, then there was a stir. The elderly father of the youth has sent a letter to Union Minister Smriti Irani, requesting him to get the body of his son and get the matter investigated.

Jang Bahadur, the 43-year-old son of Rajnarayan Yadav, resident of Warisganj Tanda village of Jagdishpur police station area, had gone to Saudi Arabia in the year 2017 with a visa in connection with the job. Jang Bahadur 7344 Ude IBN Umar 2504 AN Nakheel Riyadh 12385 (North Ring Road Exit Two) resident in Saudi Arabia worked as a driver with Aldaktoor Abdul Aziz Alwashar. Jang Bahadur’s younger brother Vinod Yadav lives in Kuwait and works. On the night of July 6, Arvind, an Indian living with Jang Bahadur, called Vinod and informed him about the murder of Jang Bahadur.

Arvind told Vinod that Jang Bahadur was murdered by a Pakistani youth working with him as a driver. Vinod immediately informed his family members about the murder of his brother. There was a stir in the family after getting the information of Jang Bahadur’s murder. After spending the whole night awake, on Thursday, the family members kept wandering here and there regarding the matter. On Friday, Jang Bahadur’s father Rajnarayan sent a letter to Smriti Irani, giving information about the whole matter, demanding that his son’s body be returned and the guilty Pakistani youth should be punished.

Jang Bahadur, who had gone to Saudi Arabia on 19 October 2017 for a job, wanted to come home in the year 2020. However, in the meantime, due to the onset of Kovid, he canceled the plan to come. On July 6, after talking to father Raj Narayan in the morning and son Saurabh in the afternoon, Jang Bahadur had talked about coming home during Janmashtami. However, the news of his death came before Janmashtami.

In Jung Bahadur’s family, apart from elderly father Raj Narayan and mother Ramavati, wife Manju Devi, 19-year-old son Saurabh studying graduation, 17-year-old daughter Anjali studying in Inter and 12-year-old son Gaurav studying in class seven. As soon as the news of Jang Bahadur’s death was received, a mountain of grief fell on the family. The condition of all the members of the family is sad.

As soon as the information about the matter came to the fore, apart from SDM Savita Yadav and CO Arpit Kapoor, SHO Arun Kumar Dwivedi reached the victim’s house and took information related to the incident while consoling the family members. The family members wept and told the whole story to the officers and pleaded for help in bringing back the body of Jang Bahadur.

DM Rakesh Kumar Mishra said that as soon as the matter came to light, a letter has been sent to the Ministry of External Affairs and the Indian Embassy in Saudi Arabia after informing all the top officials related to the government. The officials posted in the Ministry of External Affairs and the Indian Embassy have been requested to take the body of Jang Bahadur to his family members soon.


In connection with the job, a middle-aged resident of Tanda, Jagdishpur in Saudi Arabia was murdered two days ago by a fellow colleague from Pakistan. After the murder, a young man living with him gave this information to the family members, then there was a stir. The elderly father of the youth has sent a letter to Union Minister Smriti Irani, requesting him to get the body of his son and get the matter investigated.

Jang Bahadur, the 43-year-old son of Rajnarayan Yadav, resident of Warisganj Tanda village of Jagdishpur police station area, had gone to Saudi Arabia in the year 2017 with a visa in connection with the job. Jang Bahadur 7344 Ude IBN Umar 2504 AN Nakheel Riyadh 12385 (North Ring Road Exit Two) resident in Saudi Arabia worked as a driver with Aldaktoor Abdul Aziz Alwashar. Jang Bahadur’s younger brother Vinod Yadav lives in Kuwait and works. On the night of July 6, Arvind, an Indian living with Jang Bahadur, called Vinod and informed him about the murder of Jang Bahadur.

Arvind told Vinod that Jang Bahadur was murdered by a Pakistani youth working with him as a driver. Vinod immediately informed his family members about the murder of his brother. There was a stir in the family after getting information about the murder of Jang Bahadur. After spending the whole night awake, on Thursday, the family members kept wandering here and there regarding the matter. On Friday, Jang Bahadur’s father Rajnarayan sent a letter to Smriti Irani, giving information about the whole matter, demanding that his son’s body be returned and the guilty Pakistani youth should be punished.